Notes Book

LIbertarian Declaration of Independence

Any person has the right to use force as a last resort to provide reparation against a person who has used force on her.

Any person has the right to use fraud on another person who has used fraud against her, but force should not be used for reparations against fraud.

Force should never be used to provide reparations for any non-violent act.

The force or fraud committed in reparation should never exceed the harm caused by the initial transgression.

No person has the right to initiate force or fraud against anyone who has not used fraud or force against them. Any person who initiates force or fraud for any reason is a criminal and owes reparations for these criminal acts.

Membership in any organization does not convey the right to initiate force or fraud. Any organization that encourages its members to believe they have the right to initiate force or fraud is a criminal organization and should not have a legitimate place in polite society.

People of good conscience should do what they can to reduce the wealth and power of criminals and criminal organizations.

Reducing the wealth and power of criminals and criminal organizations is joyful work for patriots who love their community and their country.
