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Complex Discrete Logs Compressed Histogram Hash
DIY crypto Fusion
Heterodyne Physics McCoskey Count Sort
Oil Spill Fix Personal Rail
Rational Residue Residue Arithmetic
Reverse Translation Analysis Rotary Engine
Subatomic Energy


Marion McCoskey, Resume

Marion McCoskey
1201 Locust Ave.
Shasta Lake, CA 96019

Professional Experience

9/06 12/07 Wrote the PHP code for the AtaFriend Website featuring a virtual information economy. AtaFriend is designed to use economic principles to produce a self-governing forum.
Self Employed
PHP, MySQL, Apache, Linux

7/05 8/06 Wrote the aArtline drawing program.
Self Employed
Microsoft C++

3/99 6/05 Designed, coded, tested, and marketed the Thred embroidery digitizing program. Wrote the Stitchout screen saver.
Self Employed
Microsoft C++

11/98 2/99 Developed, coded, tested, and benchmarked the single-buffered count sort.
Self Employed
Algorithm design, Programming
Microsoft C++

5/96 10/98 Started out in documentation. Wrote code to test the Vadem BIOS. Designed and built hardware for specialized testing of a Vadem VGA controller, and wrote the code to interface the hardware to a PC. Administrator of the Track Record Bug Tracking database. Designed the hardware and wrote the code for a tester for smart batteries. Wrote MIPS code for the VR4102CC microprocessor. Wrote code to test software modulation algorithms of an LCD controller for passive LCD displays.
Software QA Engineer
80x86 assembler, C, C++, MIPS Assembler

3/95 to 5/96 Wrote a microcode compiler. Designed an instruction set and programmers model for a microprocessor, and started on the assembler and simulator.
Self Employed
Design Engineer/Programmer
Instruction set design, Microprocessor design, C++ Programming

3/95 to 5/95 Wrote a real estate home display application which accessed a database of real estate properties by translating user dialog mouse clicks into SQL queries, and then displayed AVI files of the selected properties
Visual Basic Programmer
Visual Basic, SQL, AVI

9/94 to 3/95 Designed and wrote a musical instrument synthesis algorithm using digital filtering and deconvolution. Added 26 new utilities to my FasTrak shareware music sequencer. Posted more than 70 messages to the Mills College Tuning List.
Self Employed
Software Engineer
80386/80387 assembler, Additive sound synthesis, Music Theory

7/93 to 9/94 My product, a satellite TV implementation of the StarSight on screen TV guide, won the Audio Video International Magazine product of the year award.
Starsight Telecast
Software Engineer
8032 Assembler, Firmware

2/92 to 6/93 Designed, coded and debugged the FasTrak MIDI Sequencer that can store and edit data entered on a MIDI keyboard and play/replay that data using the Sound Blaster Board. Wrote my own drivers and real-time executive. I believe this the first implementation of programmable automatic harmony with a real-time implementation of least common multiple harmony.
Self Employed
Software Engineer
MIDI Sequencer, MIDI interface, Sound Blaster, 80386 Assembler, MS-DOS

10/91 to 2/92 Was a principle member of a team of writer/programmers that completed the documentation on the software for the F-18 Night Attack Fighter display subsystem.
Kaiser Electronics
Technical writer
Technical writing, 68020 assembler, Word Perfect, Unix style text processing utilities

8/91 to 10/92 Completed the Hardware and software design and debug for a unique electronic musical instrument, including a proprietary algorithm for developing and storing Just Intonation musical scales in a data compressed format.
Self Employed
Hardware/Software Engineer
6805 Assembler,Firmware. Electronic Music, Digital and Analog hardware design using Orcad. 80386 assembler

10/88 to 8/91 Wrote, debugged, and documented Built-in-test software for the F18 Night Attack Fighter. Used HP emulators and logic analyzers and the Microtek Assembler. Wrote 8051 assembler Built-in-test software for the A-12 Heads-up display
Kaiser Electronics
Software Engineer
68020 Assembler, Unix, HP-9000 with in-circuit emulator, Vector and Raster Graphics, Built-in-test, 8051 assembler, firmware, Nohau 8051 in-circuit-emulator, Shared memory multiprocessing

11/87 to 10/88 Did design, coding, and debug for the Destruct Test Set, a component of the D5 Trident Missile Program. Used a 68000 cross assembler hosted on a VAX and the Applied Microsystems ICE.
Lockheed Aerospace
Software Engineer
Data Acquisition, 68000 assembler, VRTX, firmware

12/86 to 9/87 Worked on a speech recognition system for the F-15 fighter on a subcontract for McDonnel Douglas. Wrote the interrupt service routine for the speech recognition module. Wrote a graphics oriented speech display and editing system for IBM PC in 8086 assembler. Was system administrator for the Corvus Network
Woodside Design
Software Engineer
Speech recognition, 65C816, 65802, 6502, and 8086 assemblers, Apple Basic, firmware

11/85 to 12/86 Wrote most of the industrial controller software for the Halawa Medium Security Prison in Hawaii and all of the industrial controller software for the Brevard Prison in Florida. Wrote the software that generated all of the wire lists for the control electronics in the Halawa Project.
Software Engineer
Industrial Controllers, ladder logic, automated wire list generation. Alpha-Micro, Amos operating system

3/85 to 12/86 Designed the algorithm for a novel method of dividing residue numbers, and implemented it in the C-like Action Language on an Atari 800XL. This algorithm was published by the IEEE. I believe it to be the world's fastest integer residue division algorithm
Self Employed
Programming, Algorithm design
Atari 800 Action Language, Residue arithmetic

7/84 to 3/85 Designed the motor driver circuit used in the initial production prototypes of the Petster. Managed the production of the first 25 AG Bears. Wrote the assembly language drivers for the Andy Robot Personality Editor. Handled difficult negotiations with the developer who wrote the Andy Robot Personality Editor.
Hardware/Software engineer
Logic design, 6502 Assembler, Commodore 64 Basic

1969 to 1984 Designed and built ten musical instrument prototypes. Designed a novel algorithm for translating residue numbers into polynomial. Wrote a C/PM Bios. Wrote several programs in 8080 and Z80 Assembler. Did a lot of patent work
Self Employed
Residue Arithmetic, 8080, Z80 Assembler, Logic design, musical instrument design

1965 to 1969 Troubleshot, repaired, tested, and fabricated electronic devices.
General Electric, Marshall Labs, Electronic Memories, Inc., and RCA
Electronic Technician
Oscilloscopes, Meters, Soldering equipment, Miscellaneous lab equipment

1961 to 1965 Instructed for B-52 tail gunners using simulators. Maintained simulators.
US Air Force
Electronic Technician
Oscilloscopes, Meters, Soldering guns, Vacuum tube testers.

BornOct 24, 1939 in Scottsburg, Indiana


Hybrid Arithmetic19th IEE Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Asilomar, California
A Residue Integer Division Algorithm 20th IEE Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Asilomar, California
A Pipelined Residue Processor 21st IEE Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Asilomar, California


4,178,832Portable Electronic Musical Instrument
4,375,177Automatic Electronic Musical Instrument
4,458,327Prime or Relatively Prime Data Processing System


College BoardsScored in the top half of the 99th percentile on the verbal test
Purdue UniversityOne year majoring in math and physics
Indian UniversityOne year majoring in linguistics
Merced College, CAOne year majoring in Electrical Engineering